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In China it is difficult to buy a Bible
Chinese Christians have to fill out papers and report the church they attend - which must be registered or it is flagged. Millions of believers meet in private homes (‘unofficial’ house churches) in secret for fear of arrest or imprisonment. In 2008, the year of the Beijing Olympics, 21 pastors of house churches in Shandong Province were sent to labour camps.
The Bible Network meets the following important needs in China:
•There is a huge need for all types of Bible literature, including Study Bibles for the training of emerging leaders, children’s Bibles and Bible study materials.
•Approximately 80% of the Christians in China live in rural areas where there is currently only one Bible for every 70-100 Christians.
•As many as 50-60 million of China’s estimated 100 million Christians are without a Bible of their own. It is estimated that less than 25% of the 40 million Bibles printed within China since 1985 have stayed there. Many do not still exist.
The Bible Network believes that these are vital needs in China:
•Between 3.5 million to 4 million people become Christians in China every year, but the supply of Bibles lags far behind this growing number. This is ‘The Bible Gap’.
•Chinese Christians risk losing everything for following Jesus Christ. They need the strength that only Christ provides, yet God’s Word is in short supply.
•Chinese living in rural areas are often poor and cannot afford to purchase Bibles. We ensure a steady supply of Bibles using couriers and house church networks.
The Bible Network is proven to be effective in China:
•Every day last year, 3098 Scripture booklets, 483 New Testaments and 374 Study Bibles were placed in the hands of Chinese believers through The Bible Network.
•Since 1979, The Bible Network’s faithful partners have provided more than 20 million Bibles to China using effective Bible placement strategies.
•It costs just £2.70 to place a Bible into the hands of a Chinese believer, or £5 to place a Study Bible with a church leader.
The Bible Network has a unique approach in China:
•We don’t just translate or distribute Bibles, but we use a network of nationals and local partner churches to teach and train believers.
•We have a network of couriers in place to deliver these Bibles where they are so desperately needed.
•We combine discipleship and evangelism through Project Philip and empower emerging leaders through Church Planter Training.
You can help by providing bibles to China, including Bibles for Children and Study Bibles for church leaders. Each gift of £10 will provide 1 Bible for a Chinese Christian and 1 Study Bible for a Chinese Church Leader and 1 Children’s Story Bible for a child in China. You can help build the church in China. Your investment includes all printing and shipping costs.
To read more about our method of Scripture Placement please click here.
To read more about our method of Church Planting please click here.
To read about Leaving A Gift in your Will please click here.